There have been extensive talks on how management and leadership are different yet they go hand in hand in many ways. These two disciplines are mostly taught in the same Masters programs and MBAs and you can later choose a career path that is more towards leadership or management.
First things first; leadership and management are different. Seth Godin describes managers as authoritative figures who are responsible for motivating their employees to do the work and achieve the end goals. While leaders take responsibility for the team and solve problems that might not even be on their agenda.
In this article, we will look at management and leadership in the field of education. We will also discuss how these differ, and how these relate and mention some of the distinct career paths for each.
How Do Education Management and Leadership Differ?
Education management is primarily concerned with the running of an educational institution. Managers plan activities according to set rules, implement them and oversee students and teachers in day-to-day operations.
Education Leadership on the other hand is more concerned with research and innovation in the field, and with improving the system to make it more efficient.
Therefore, management involves the administration of the education system, while leadership includes decision-making and designing policies. Or in a broader sense, leaders envision and managers implement.
How Are Education Management and Leadership Related?
Education leadership policies might not be able to achieve the end goal of improved learning outcomes if the management lacks the resources or skills to implement them. So both these departments have to work together to create a working system. A fruitful collaboration between them is the key to a positive student learning experience.
An example of this could be in a school setup. In most schools, principals routinely hold meetings with the teachers to discuss the resources they need for their students. And then work together to create a model that allows the teachers to fulfil their responsibilities to the students.
In this case, principals serve as leaders who collaborate with the teachers to help them be better managers of the classrooms and better leaders to their students.
The principal or other policymakers can also positively interact with other community members, primarily parents, to understand how they can better shape future policies.
Career Paths
Most of the roles in education involve elements of both managerial and leadership. Principals are leaders for the teachers and students, but also managers of the schools.
Education Leadership positions could include:
District Administrator
Dean of Students
University Registrar
Education Management roles could include:
School Principal
Director of Admissions
Become an Education Leader
Education management and leadership’s individual work is important, but their collaboration is even more essential. It improves collective efficacy and elevates the entire educational experience for all stakeholders.
If you are a teacher, principal, or school manager then you can learn about the best leadership practices, management theories, and their interrelationships in SNATIKA's online Masters program. In just 12 months, you might be able to take on a higher role and make a positive impact on your institution!
SNATIKA's Masters in Education Management and Leadership is self-paced and gives you several benefits like dual qualifications, flexible learning, British quality, and prestige. Check out the program now.
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